Switching from concrete jungles to real jungles
By Medha Koppula, Grade 10

By 2050, 68% of the world’s population is projected to live in urban areas – projected to live in concrete jungles, filled to the brim with fast paced lives of individuals subjected to physical and mental stress.
Studies have shown that there is a larger risk of mental health disorders such as anxiety or depression by living in urban areas compared to rural areas. In addition to this, the superfluous availability of resources has rendered the urban lifestyle to become lethargic. Hence, to revive a balanced and active lifestyle, nature is a great resolution.
Going further, nature plays a vital role in rejuvenation, as it can improve both mental and physical wellbeing. Impacts of nature on the body can be small, like a simple walk in a park every week reducing hypertension and improving blood pressure, or large such as the promotion of cancer fighting cells. When walking through forests, phytoncides are inhaled, these increase the natural killer cells, a type of white blood cells that are not only associated with lowering the risk of cancer but also combat infections, autoimmune diseases and reduce inflammation.
Moreover, mentally speaking, according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, people who walked for 90 minutes in natural environments were less likely to acquire depression or anxiety as they had lower activity in an area of the brain linked to such disorders. It can also help with ADHD symptoms as nature gives rest to the part of the brain that is used in effortful concentration, helping individuals mentally relax.
Ultimately, taking a walk in a lush green area, or going on small trips to natural scenic areas such as waterfalls or treks can go a long way. As said by Dr. Qi Ling a professor at Nippon Medical School, Tokyo “The quiet atmosphere, beautiful scenery, good smells and fresh, clean air in forests all contribute to the effects,”. Nothing compares to nature and nothing can, making it the ultimate remedy.